Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results: Obama & Huckabee

Sen. Barack Obama (Democrat) and Gov. Mike Huckabee (Republican) won decisively tonight in Iowa. Other Democratic voting put Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John Edwards effectively tied for second place, with Obama taking a several-point lead.

Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee emerged as the Republican standard-bearer, with Gov. Mitt Romney several points behind. Sen. Fred Thompson and Sen. John McCain limped in third and fouirth.

The weather's been cold, but the campaigning has been hot--and sometimes hot under the collar, as charges of negative ads soared. Will these votes be an accurate forecast of the next set of primary or caucus elections?

Stay tuned.

Question: are you surprised at any of the results? The comment box is free and open.

Note: video and other coverage follows below.

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