Sunday, September 23, 2007

In The Hot Seat: Columbia University "Yes" to Ahmadinejad, no to ROTC

It's amazing to me that Columbia University will host terrorist advocate and American enemy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as an honored speaker, but won't allow students to have an ROTC unit on its campus. Columbia would even host Hitler, its president said proudly.

At the same time, American citizens who attend the school and who support it financially do not have freedom of choice or expression on its campus if they choose ROTC. Columbia, for all its stated "freedom of speech" propaganda, retracted an invitation to the leader of the Minuteman Project. The conservative organization, which some call vigilantism, seeks to protect America's borders with Mexico.

But Columbia changed its mind about allowing that group's leader to speak while inviting Ahmadeinejad, and musing about having Hitler, too, if they could. The question remaining is this: why are they giving a "bully pulpit" to their nation's avowed enemy, one who calls for not only the destruction of Israel, but supports terrorism?

Columbia University said it would welcome any notable figure visiting the United States — even Adolf Hitler himself — to speak to students and faculty at the Ivy League college.

But there are those who question what the New York college's standards are. They ask why a school that will not allow an ROTC program to be part of its curriculum would allow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one of America’s avowed enemies, onto its campus.

Critics wonder why the leader of a nation that exports terrorism is allowed to speak, but the leader of an American organization that seeks to secure U.S. borders was not.

On Monday, Columbia will play host to Ahmadinejad, who has called the Holocaust "a myth," encouraged the destruction of Israel and who leads a nation that has supported Hezbollah terrorists in the Middle East and insurgents in Iraq.

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  1. Thank you for visiting and for commenting. I have been slow in replying because for some strange reason, I wasn't getting notification of comments for awhile.

    I will look forward to seeing your views at the link you listed.


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