Thursday, November 29, 2007

Blame Canada:Canuck Beer Drinkers Causing Global Warming!

Really. I am so not making this up. You Canadian beer drinkers--you're a significant cause of global warming.

Before Al Gore batters down your door and makes you watch "An Inconvenient Truth" for 24 hours straight, read this. Did South Park have it right? Blame Canada! (A bit of tongue in cheek there.)

Scientists have found a new threat to the planet: Canadian beer drinkers.

The government-commissioned study says the old, inefficient "beer fridges" that one in three Canadian households use to store their Molson and Labatt's contribute significantly to global warming by guzzling gas- and coal-fired electricity.

Blame Canada:Canuck  Beer Drinkers Causing Global Warming! Fridge plus beer...

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